Resurgent – A stream of consciousness

A broken dream and hearts are torn asunder. Tears fall like rain and hearts pound like thunder.

Stones are toppled. From the shadows will hope appear?

Independence Day approaches. What year is it? Upon what continent do we stand?

An excerpt from the speech given by Maximilian Robespierre On the King’s Flight at the Jacobin Club on June 22, 1791

“What frightens me is the very thing that seems to reassure everyone else. All our enemies speak the same language as us. Look around you and share my fear in considering that everyone wears the same mask of patriotism.”

A disease is upon us. Cover your face! Shut your mouth! Only think what you are told. Covid-19, you are not alone. They circle us, …’ the influence of a few have tainted many who are not naturally corrupt. A continual circulation of lies among those who are not much in the way of hearing them contradicted, will in time pass for truth; and the crime lies not in the believer but the inventor.” (– Thomas Paine in The American Crisis pg.16) The virus may kill people, but the hallowed halls of education have spread the most vicious illness that can destroy a nation. ‘A traitor is the foulest fiend on earth.’ (– Thomas Paine in The American Crisis pg.15) Most news reporters are infected.

A broken dream and hearts are torn asunder. Tears fall like rain and hearts pound like thunder.

Stones are toppled. From the shadows will history appear? Will history be remembered? Will history be repeated?